I’m In Michigan and I Voted

No, not in either party’s primary…I voted for Democracy for America’s 2008 Grassroots All Star!

I voted for Gary Peters. Gary is a true progressive. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here is Gary in his own words:

“In Congress, I will fight to make China and Korea play by international rules and we must demand that the world trade organization (WTO) address non-tariff barriers that prevent the importation of U.S. made products into their markets…Michigan manufacturers and our workers can successfully compete against any competitor in the world but the rules of the game must be fair. We must have a change in Washington and put an end to the disastrous Bush/Knollenberg trade policies that have exported thousands of our jobs overseas.”

“I find it unconscionable that nearly 47 million Americans live each day without healthcare…Unfortunately, drug and health insurance companies have not offered constructive long-term solutions and are in fact currently spending millions of dollars every year on lobbyists dedicated to protecting the status quo and blocking meaningful health care reform. In Congress, I will fight for universal health care for all Americans.”

“President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the members of Congress who continue to blindly support this flawed policy have all failed us…As a former military officer, I believe the best way to support our troops is to bring them home and we need to start bringing them home now.”


Gary has been fighting for the people in this community his entire life.  From his dedication to our country as a soldier to his dedication to the issues of education and health care in the Senate, he knows our community and has always been here working for us- not the special interests.

I want Gary to win and bring a DFA training to Michigan’s 9th district. I want Gary to win and bring real change to the 9th District and to Washington. If you feel the same way, pass word along to your friends and families!
